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Top 25 Rhodesian Ridgeback National Specialty event

The RRCUS Top 20 competition was first held at the 2002 National Specialty. The winner of this event is decided by a panel of three judges; a Rhodesian Ridgeback breeder, a handler, and an AKC judge. From 2002 through 2010, the top 20 finishers in breed point rank from the previous calendar year were invited to compete. In 2011 the field was expanded and the top 25 finishers in breed point rank from the previous calendar year were invited to compete.  From the 2009 to 2016 RRCUS Specialty, an additional "People's Choice Award", decided by a popular vote of spectators at the event, was instituted.

Previous Top 20/25 Winners

2002 Ch Kimani's Blue Chip Image
2003 Ch Sulawesi Legal Limit of Aslan
2004 Ch Camelot's Code Red
2005 DC Camelot's Promise to Bakari
2006 Ch Freedoms Blast 'O Dynamite By Tigris
2007 Ch Freedom's Five Star General By Tigris
2008 DC Of Afrikka Spring Valley Dorian Gray
2009 Ch Adili's American Idol
2010 Ch Kariba's Modern Millie
2011 GCh Beaubijou's Little Special
2012 GCh Whirlaway's Ida Belle's A Ringing
2013 GCh Whirlaway's Ida Belle's A Ringing
2014 GCh Raquel Welch Of Malabo APD
2015 GCH Applegarth The Name's Bond CGC HIC
2016 BIS GCH Kimani's Indelible Impression, JC

GCHS Cordell's Potential Unlocked CGCA

2018 GCHG Nashira's Just Beat-M All

GCHG Shadowridge A Touch of Class


GCH Lionshare's Big Mack Daddy CD BN RI DCAT CGCA GCGU TKN ATT


GCHG Luvakis Shirley's Legend-Waitforit-Dary! Legendary! RA FDC JC DCAT THDN CGCA CGCU TKN ATT


GCHS Roaring Fork N Mzazi's Epice De Soleil


GCHG CH Kibo's Lady Tanga Of Rifrug BCAT CGC TKN ATT

People's Choice Award Winners

This award ran from 2009 to 2016

2009 Ch Adili's American Idol
2010 Ch Pupukea Ridge Ikaika O'Spring Valley
2011 GCh Ashanti's Regulus Of Royal Stars
2012 GCh Whirlaway's Ida Belle's A Ringing
2013 GCh Riverroads Ridgerunr Hammer Of Thor
2014 GCh Camelot's Red Hot Tamale
2015 GCH Celtic Lore's Moonlight And Magic CGC
2016 BISS GCH Mystiko & Adili's Unstoppable Reign CGC



The Rhodesian Ridgeback Top Twenty-Five event will be a formal gathering of Rhodesian Ridgeback enthusiasts from all across the



The Top Twenty-Five Rhodesian Ridgebacks in the country per the AKC top twenty-five listing in breed points awarded the previous

calendar year. These dogs have shown that they are the most consistently winning Ridgebacks for the past calendar year. All Top

Twenty-Five owners will have a copy of the judging guidelines and rules sent to them with the official invitations.


The entry fee for this incredible event has traditionally been $100 per dog.


1. The Top Twenty-Five committee will be comprised of three individuals to address all the needs of this event.

2. No Top Twenty-Five committee member shall have any conflicts of interest with any of the entered Top Twenty-Five participants.

The qualifications of each member of the Top Twenty-Five committee shall follow the same criteria as for the Judges qualifications.

3. Top Twenty-Five committee shall have the responsibility of the following:

a. All communications regarding any and all discussions or the like are to be kept in the strictest of confidence between the three Top Twenty-Five committee members. No family members, friends, dog fancy or colleagues are to know who the judges are or may be.

b. The three member committee will meet to discuss and list any and all possible judge selections that meet the Top Twenty-Five judges’ qualifications. Committee members will try to identify any and all conflicts of interest in regards to judges and Top Twenty-Five dogs. It is very important that the committee try to hire judges that may be in the area for shows or who may live close by.  The Top Twenty-Five event is a very prestigious event and any payment for judges or expenses should be kept to a minimum. The committee member who is in charge of calling and hiring the three judges must ask the perspective judge if they know of any conflicts of interest noted in the judges qualifications.

c. Committee members must mail Top Twenty-Five invitations to those dogs that qualify.

d. Committee members will maintain arm band numbering in order that the entry has been received. Bitches may be listed in the back of the order. Arm band numbers from 1 to 25 will not be used in this event.

e. Committee members must maintain equal ring procedures for all Top Twenty-Five participants. Committee members must make sure the Top Twenty-Five ring stewards understand the importance of equal ring procedures.

f. One Committee member will to maintain the catalog information with regard to the inclusion of the confidential judges. This person will have to send the judges’ information to the printer without the regular National show committee catalog person’s knowledge.


The Top Twenty-Five events are a very unique and fun event for the dogs, handlers, owners, breeders and spectators alike. There will

be 3 judges judging the entire competition at the same time. The ring steward will bring the dogs into the ring three at a time. Each

dog will be evaluated in the stack and by movement in the same way and manner as all the other competitors. The judges will go over

one dog at a time and then the judges will evaluate the movement of the dogs one at a time. The judges will judge each and every dog by following a point system using a predetermined set of criteria that mirrors the AKC Rhodesian Ridgeback Standard.

Any judge who is in conflict with an entered dog can examine the dog, but their score will not be included; the scores from the

remaining two judges will be tallied and averaged. Reasons for conflict include:

1. Handled the dog within the last year.

2. Owner, co-owner, breeder or co-breeder of the exhibit sire or dam.

The rules for conflict will be published in the catalog. If there is a conflict rules will be stated at the beginning of the competition.

Potential judges for the Top 25 will be advised of this rule at the time the invitation to judge is extended.


Just prior to the judging all the handlers will meet with a Top Twenty-Five committee member to go over the rules, order of the event

and answer all question and concerns and hand out arm bands. Every dog will be given the same ring instructions. No modifications

will be allowed. All dogs will move around the ring and down and back in the same manner and the same amount of times as all the

other entries.


The committee will place the order of dogs and bitches into the ring by arm band numbers, lowest to highest. Dogs may be first

followed by bitches, only if all 3 the judges concur that this is their preference. Otherwise exhibits will be judged in order of armband

number without regard to sex.


1. Each of the 3 judges will have their own ring steward. There will be two additional ring stewards to help facilitate the order and management of the ring.

2. Three dogs will be allowed into the ring at one time in catalog order.

3. Each dog individually will be asked to move around the ring only one time upon entry to the ring.

4. Each dog will then move to one of three designated areas for stacked inspection.

5. When all three dogs are stacked, the three judges will go over one dog individually (at this time each dog will be inspected by one judge for one minute) then the judges will move or switch to the next dog and so on.

6. After all three dogs have been inspected by all three judges, the dogs will then get ready to move down and back individually in catalog order.

7. The handlers will move the dogs individually down and back one time. At the finish of the down and back the dog will free stack in the middle of the ring.

8. After the free stack the handler will be asked to move the dog individually, around the ring once then exit.

9. At this time the judges have 30 seconds to finish the judges scoring sheet for that particular dog. The judges will then ask the next dog to move in the same manner and order as the previous dog.

10. Once dogs have been judged the ring steward will escort them to a holding area and a new set of three dogs will be escorted to the ring.

11. All the dogs will then be asked to come into the ring all together as a group for final viewing by the audience. They will go around together as a group and stack one last time.


The Top Twenty-Five committee will hire a professional Certified Public Accountant (CPA) or engage two like professional or RRCUS

accountants to handle the judges scoring sheets prior to judging (to make sure the sheets are all the same and clean) and after 

judging. The CPA or RRCUS accountants will also tabulate the scores and hold the winning dog confidential. After the scoring of the

individual dog, each judge will hand the scoring sheet to their ring steward who will immediately hand it to the CPA or RRCUS

accountants who will be at the judges’ table. No person will handle the scoring sheets except for the judges, their stewards, and the

CPA or RRCUS accountants. The CPA or RRCUS accountants will collect all scoring sheets and make sure that they are complete

and legible before the three dogs are removed from the ring. If the CPA or RRCUS accountants have a question on the legibility or

completeness of the scoring sheet, they must ask the judge in question to complete the scoring sheet while the dog is still in the ring.


The show photographer will be on hand following the event to take pictures of any dogs with all three judges present. This may be the

only time that all three judges will be together for a show photo.


Using the AKC Standard of the Rhodesian Ridgeback as a template, the Top Twenty-Five committee will develop the Judges scoring

sheet. The scoring sheet will contain the same elements and breakdown (mirror the standard) as the AKC standard. Each element will

be given a maximum point allowance.


The judges will evaluate each Rhodesian Ridgeback and give points up to the maximum allowed per element using judge’s discretion

and their knowledge of the AKC standard. The highest possible score of all elements totaled will be 100 points.


The CPA or RRCUS accountants will evaluate the completeness of the judges scoring sheets while the dog is still in the ring. After the

event the CPA or RRCUS accountants will be the only person(s) to tally and total points. The scores from each dog, from each of the

three judges, are tabulated, added together, then divided by three (3) to determine the dog’s “Average Score.” The highest average

score will be the winner.


In the event of a tie, the winner is determined by consulting the “Average Placement” total. The dog with the highest “Average

Placement” total is declared the winner. This figure (Average Placement) is used ONLY to break a tie, and is not included in tabulating

the AVERAGE score. In the event that the “Average Placement” scores result in an additional tie, there will be two (2) winners.


Qualification we are looking for. Breed knowledge. AKC breed standard knowledge. AKC dog show knowledge. Judges must like our

breed. No known conflicts of interest such as owners, breeders of record, handlers of any qualified Top Twenty-Five invitees.

All judges must have shown a high degree of professionalism in judging, breeding or handling. All judges will have shown a great

aptitude for the AKC Rhodesian Ridgebacks standard and breed knowledge. Only the committee will have knowledge of the judging

panel prior to the time of judging.

1. The All-Breed Judge. The all-breed judge must be licensed by the AKC to judge the Rhodesian Ridgeback. A person who is

licensed to judge multiple hounds, the hound group and at least one other group. A person who has shown great aptitude of the AKC Rhodesian Ridgebacks standard. These qualifications are in place to insure that the all-breed judge has been able to show that he or she enjoys judging and is increasing their knowledge of the sport of purebred dogs. A person who’s accomplishments and professionalism would place them with good standings with the AKC as well as with RRCUS.

2. The Breeder Judge. The breeder judge must be a person who has been breeding Rhodesian Ridgebacks for a period of at least 10 years or more. A person who has bred at least 10 AKC Champions of record. A person who has shown great aptitude of the AKC Rhodesian Ridgebacks standard. A person who is in good standings with the AKC as well as with RRCUS.

3. The Handler Judge. The handler judge must be a person who has handled professionally for at least 10 years in AKC

Conformation events. A person who has shown great aptitude for the AKC Rhodesian Ridgebacks standard and has shown that they understand the breed specifics of the origin of the Rhodesian Ridgeback. A person who shown that they enjoy and like our breed. A person who has shown great regard to the sport of pure bred dogs and is in good standings with the AKC as well as with RRCUS.


1. Judges. The catalog will list the judges’ name, qualifications and photo. It will also list some personal and fun facts about each judge (submitted by the judge).

2. Dogs. A black and white photo of each dog in catalog order. Each dog will have a list of accomplishments along with some fun and personal antidotes of the dog, breeder, owner and or handler.

3. The Handlers. All handlers are welcome in the ring. Professionals, non-professional handlers, owners and or breeders are

welcome to handle in the Top Twenty-Five event. We are interested in the having the dogs show their best with any handler at this event.


After all the dogs have shown to the judges and the judging has been completed the score sheets will be collected and tabulated by the CPA or RRCUS accountant. None of the judges or anyone from the show committee, club or RRCUS will know the outcome or results until the announcement of the winner. The tabulations and score will be announced of the winning dog only. No other scores will be announced, or disclosed to anyone. We will have only one Top Twenty-Five winner, no Best of Opposites, no Awards of Merit.


The Top Twenty-Five winner will be announced at the end of the evening Top Twenty-Five event. No person will know who the winner

is until the winning announcement is made. The envelope that contains the name and final score will be secured by the CPA or

RRCUS accountants and handed over to the announcer just prior to the announcement. The CPA or RRCUS accountants will be

asked to stay until the announcement has been made for verification. [The envelope please.., and the winner is..,]


Suggested prizes include the following:

1. Top Twenty-Five

• Trophy

• A Danny Quest trophy, RR – On Globe/Top of the World for the Top Twenty-Five winner. The payment of trophy is made by or supplemented by last year’s winner.

• Rosette

2. Top Twenty-Five – Peoples’ Choice Award

• Trophy

• A Danny Quest trophy, RR – Large Moving, for the Top Twenty-Five winner. The payment of trophy is made by or supplemented by last year’s winner.

• Rosette

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